If you would like to offer your spiritual gifts as a Love@Roo volunteer,
we have several areas you can help serve this mission.


ROOHOP (Bonnaroo House of Prayer)

RooHOP is the offsite House of Prayer where we host 100 hours of nonstop worship and prayer. We schedule worship/prayer sets every two hours from Wednesday at 2:00pm through Sunday at 6:00 pm. If you are a worship artist, leader of prayer or just love to worship and pray this is the place for you.


Our Love@Roo center is located on the Bonnaroo farm. Here we have service evangelism, worship, creative evangelism, water baptisms, Gospel proclamation, areas of hospitality, and the location to bus in our evangelists. This is where our small tents are set up for creative evangelism.


We have campsites on the Bonnaroo grounds so that we can host teams of evangelists to stay on the grounds. This gives our evangelism teams the opportunity to share the Good News of Jesus with the Bonnaroovians day and night.

To volunteer or serve in any of these areas, please click on the link below.